The eNews will immediately engage the reader with its contemporary design. The navigation structure allows parents to move easily between articles, save calendar dates onto their device, find past newsletters with ease and translate to their preferred language. But most importantly, the eNews has been optimised for mobiles - grab your mobile and check it out. The eNews will solve the problem with the current PDF newsletter that essentially squeezes an A4 size document, into a mobile's tiny screen. Not an easy read!
Easier to read and mobile friendly means better engagement.
The eNews is built inside the website which eliminates one of the current publishing mediums; the creation of a PDF. This saves time and also ensures that articles created may also serve to populate the website keeping it up to date and relevant. The website is very easy to drive which means that so too is the creation of the eNews.
If you'd like to trial eNews free, please contact:
And here's a short video showing you how easy eNews is to publish - see how it can be done in under 90 seconds.
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