Term 1 PDs

Term 1 PD dates are now available.

All PD's are free.  All you need to do is register to the PD you wish to attend and login on the day with a cup of tea/coffee to sit back and learn some new tricks, or see some new features.

This session will run you through the basics of maintaining your website including - loading pdfs, images, creating new pages and adding dates to your calendar.   Suitable for users that have attended the initial sponsor-ed training but need a refresher.
Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Tuesday 11th February at 11.30am (8.30am WST)
Register here

Thursday 27th February at 1.30pm (10.30am WST)
Register here

New year, time to start thinking about trialling the Updat-ed eNews system. Create visually stunning newsletters with ease, from inside your website.  Suitable for school's who have not yet used the eNews system.
Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Wednesday 12th February at 1pm (10am WST)
Register here

You are already using the Updat-ed eNews and would like some tips & tricks.  Meet with us for a session on mastering the eNews - from creating custom eNews headers, adding your calendar & photo galleries to your articles, working with videos and archiving explained. Always time for a Q&A at the end.
Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Monday 17th February at 12pm (9am WST)
Register here

If you feel that your comms is in a tangle managing a parent portal, newsletter, website, seesaw, hey throw in Facebook too, then it’s probably time for a rethink.

We'll unpack the one vehicle common to all schools, the newsletter, and use it to highlight that any writing must be informed by a strategy. And don't worry, strategy number one is 'write less'. 

We'll get you communicating with outcomes that serve both the parents and the school.

Fun Fact: Did you know that publishing at the right time of the day and day of the week is critical to maximising engagement? Oh, stop me, I've only just started; so much more to cover.
Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Tuesday 25th February at 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
Register here

Website reports are essential for optimising your school’s website strategy. They provide valuable insights into how visitors find your site, which pages perform best, and where improvements are needed. By understanding search traffic and performance, schools can ensure their website serves the right audience.
Running time: Approx 25 minutes

Wednesday 19th February at 1pm (9am WST)
Register here

Sinead Bannon
Operations Manager

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