Announcing Updat-ed

Welcome to Updat-ed

As we enter our fifteenth year, providing websites for schools, we thought it was time for a name change.

On February 1, 2023, we became known as Updat-ed.

The name sponsor-ed was aligned to our original mission of providing schools with free websites, funded by running ethical ads (from sponsors – hence the name) that also provided a revenue stream back to the school.

It was a bold idea launched in the very early days of digital advertising. Overtime, as the powerhouses of Google and Facebook dominated the ad market, we needed to reinvent ourselves into a more traditional subscription model.

The move to Updat-ed reflects more about what we do – supporting you to keep parents updated. The name Updat-ed, also retains part of our branding history by incorporating the ‘ed’ component.

Updat-ed is not entirely new to us. Our free app, introduced 10 years ago, has been called Updat-ed since inception. We liked the name so much that it now represents the entire entity.

So, how do you pronounce Updat-ed.

Try this, say ‘Upday’ ‘Ted’, with the emphasis on the ‘ed’.

We hope you like the new name and our snappier looking logo.

The name is only one of the changes for 2023. We have more web themes coming, along with many new website features.

2023's going to big for Updat-ed.



What you’ll see.

Your own website:

No changes, everything remains the same.

Our website:

When you try and access you’ll be automatically redirected to It may be useful to bookmark because eventually we’ll be turning off

Contacting us:

Our phone number remains as 1300 755 010

Emails will move to and And so too will and

We will be redirecting all emails destined for to the equivalent Please save the new emails as we will eventually be turning off


The new invoices will reflect our new name and logo. Banking details remain exactly the same, as Updat-ed is a wholly owned subsidiary of The sponsor-ed Group, not a separate company.

Denis Masseni
Founder: Updat-ed


Term 1 PDs

We have locked in our PD dates for Term 1.  We have 4 PDs running in the first few weeks of school.  Each will be conducted over zoom and are included in your annual fee.  If your keen to work on your website, newsletter or school marketing, register to attend one or all of the sessions.

Beginner Basics

This session will run you through the basics of maintaining your website including - loading pdfs, images, creating new pages and adding dates to your calendar. Suitable for users that have attended the initial sponsor-ed training but need a refresher.  Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Thursday 9th February 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
Register here


New year, time to start thinking about trialling the sponsor-ed eNews system. Create visually stunning newsletters with ease, from inside your website. And all schools new to eNews get a free Term's trial.  Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Wednesday 15th February 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
Register here

eNews Master Class

This session is for the schools that already use our eNews system and might want to learn a few tips and tricks to really polish that newsletter!  Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Friday 17th February 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
Register here

Updat-ed App

Your website comes with a free app.  If you are interested in learning what the app can do and whether it is a fit for your school, this is the PD for you!  Running time: Approx 45 minutes

Monday 20th February 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
Register here

Please let us know if there's a PD topic you'd like covered, email

Sinead Bannon
Operations Manager

More web themes to choose from....

Coming in Term 1, four more web themes that offer different treatments of every design feature on your homepage. That will make it ten designs to choose from. All with the easy to use administration system; easy!
Don't like big Quick Links? We have options for smaller icons located in the top part of the homepage to simple icon-less, text representations that simply say 'Enrolment'.

Want wider, or narrower, or perhaps less imagery in the homepage gallery? We've got that covered too. Our new Theme 7 in particular, has a very neat scrolly, thingy feature (sorry couldn't think of another word) that's very 2023!

There's also quite some variation in the way Recent News is presented. For a start, you can call it whatever you want; you're no longer stuck with the heading of Recent News. Then there's articles with an image and heading only through to grid representations we've not had before. Way cool!

There is literally a design for every taste. And thank you for all your suggestions over the last few years; your feedback is about to become reality very soon.

We'll keep you updat-ed (see what I did there?) when the final designs are ready to be implemented.

Denis Masseni
Founder: Updat-ed

It's time to change your password

Did you know 81% of all cyber breaches are caused by weak passwords. Fun fact: The most common password is ‘123456’. It's actually the most used and compromised password in the world, occurring in 23.2 million cyber breaches in 2019. Start 2023 with a new password (just don't make it 2023)

You can change your password in under a minute; here's a Cheat Sheet showing you how, click here.

Also take the time to review your list of website administrators. If anyone has left your school, delete their USER access.

Sinead Bannon
Operations Manager