
Issue 1: Feb 2021

Upcoming PDs

We're excited to offer you two online PDs in the coming weeks!
TUESDAY 9th FEBRUARY 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
Beginner Basics -
a one hour session that will run you through the basics of maintaining your website including - loading pdfs, images, creating new pages and adding dates to your calendar. Suitable for users that have attended the initial sponsor-ed training but need a refresher.

Register here.

WEDNESDAY 17th FEBRUARY 12.30pm (9.30am WST)
eNews -
New year, time to start thinking about trialling the sponsor-ed eNews system. Create visually stunning newsletters with ease, from inside your website. Contact helpdesk@sponsor-ed.com.au to start your free trial, then join us for a 1 hour PD on how to use eNews to its full potential. Suitable for school's who have not yet used the eNews system.

Register here.

New Year - Time for a tidy up!

Do you know who has administration rights to your school website?  It's simple to check.  Login to your website and click on USERS.  A full list of administrators is available for you to check. To delete users that no longer require access, simply click on the BLUE CROSS.

To add new administrators - click on CREATE NEW.

To edit contact details (such as new email addresses) click on the PENCIL ICON.

For more detail: follow this guide.

Are your details up to date?

Last year we noticed that all Victorian Government Schools had their email addresses updated to the new format of @education.vic.gov.au.  This change effects how we communicate with you. If you could please fill out the form below with your new email address, we can update our contact details.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Web Upgrades and Marketing Services

Late last year we began work on the next web upgrade. The star will be the ability to upload video in the homepage gallery along with a range of other back-end improvements. If you have any suggestions, it's not too late for us to review and consider incorporating in the next round.

Outside of the web work, we will be launching a range of marketing services specifically aimed at increasing enrolments. I must admit, you caught me by surprise. We ran an Enrolment PD in November and it was our most attended webinar of the year, I'm very pleased to report. So there appears to be an appetite for some marketing assistance. 

Marketing has always been my professional passion. I've been teaching marketing at Monash Uni for close to 20 years with a heavy skew towards the use of digital marketing; Facebook, Google etc.

I'm a fair way into writing a 'school marketing mini book' which I will share with you all. I’ve been able to hone my understanding of the school marketing landscape with some recent work across two schools, a primary and secondary. And I'm very pleased to say that the strategies I've suggested have had a pretty quick impact. So needless to say, I'm very excited where this may go.

Stand by for the official release, and in the meantime if you have any marketing questions, please reach out.


Denis Masseni